Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting Started!

I decided to start this blog so that I can document my life now that I am in college and I am on my own. Many people back home haven't been filled in on what I have been up to here at Utah State University, so this is a way to let everyone know about my life.

I feel very blessed to have such an amazing support group in my life, whether it is family, friends, or my Heavenly Father. I am grateful each and every day for the blessings that I have received in my life and I  feel very close to my family and friends even MORE now that I have been away from them. It is a weird feeling to not spend every waking moment being around them, but it has made me appreciate each of them more and really know of the love that I have for them. I just want to thank them for all of their support and love that they show to me!!

I am excited to start this blog and document my experiences throughout my every day life! Thanks for motivating me to get started on this Holly and Fleurry!! I love you both.

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