Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I know I am kind of late on the "New Year's Resolutions" but I haven't been keeping up with my blog posts so I thought that I would just do belated ones. So here goes!

  • Eat healthier and don't eat out that often (only for special occasions)
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes or more.
  • Watch less TV, but read more books
  • Be more outgoing and social
  • Read scriptures once a day, and pray morning and night
  • Get to bed no later than midnight
  • Eat breakfast every morning, and drink more water during the day

I could probably think of a million more things that I can improve on, but I think I will just stick with these ones for now. I should have started this right when we started a new year. New year = new goals, and a fresh start right?. Hopefully I will be able to stick to these goals from now on, with few exceptions. Can't wait to have a fresh start!!

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