Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Wow.... seriously, I haven't written a blog post for SO long. I think it is about time! haha summer has just been so crazy for me and I have been so busy that I haven't done anything but work. But I am grateful to have money to pay for school for this upcoming school year. I am thinking a lot about how summer is almost over, because it is definitely a bitter-sweet ending. I am super excited to go back to school and see all of my friends that I met last year, and to just be able to be on my own and independent.... but I have had so much fun with my family all summer and I just loved spending time with each and everyone of them!! I am so sad to be leaving them, although I know I will see them every holiday and some weekends, it just isn't the same as seeing them everyday. So the summer ending has definitely been something that I look forward to, but also don't want to happen. I just hope that everything works out okay in the end.

While I am writing a post, I might as well post one of my favorite songs, I listen to it in the car mostly, while I am driving to work, from work, to get food, to the gas station... EVERYWHERE!! And I just thought that I should share it with you.... Plus, I just LOVE Phil Vassar... who doesn't?